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Good and Bad
Let’s take a look at two sentences from the same “letter to a friend”:
“I am an expert in my field.”
“I am expert at what I do.”
Why does the second sentence have “I am an expert”? The reason is subtle but important: it’s a verb. It’s a grammatical role. By putting “I am an expert” in the grammatical position of a verb, we’re saying something about the actor, not just describing what the actor is doing. I am an expert at what I do.
Here’s another example:
“When I was in elementary school, I would sleep late because I wanted to get in a day of work early.”
“I am a workaholic.”
“When I was in elementary school, I would sleep late because I wanted to get in a day of work early.”
“I am a workaholic.”
The second sentence uses “workaholic” as a noun. This is called “nounization”. It’s the act of taking a verb and putting it in a place where it makes a meaningful sentence. “Workaholic” is a noun. “Workaholic” works like a verb.
When you’re doing nounization, you want to pick the word that’s closest to the word you’re replacing. If “being a workaholic” is a noun, then “workaholic” is the noun that works like the verb.
In “workaholic”, being a workaholic is the verb. It’s the agent of the action. In “I am a workaholic”, being a workaholic is the verb. The agent of the action is “I”.
When you’re nounizing, you need to match the parts of speech correctly. If you match them too much, it becomes obvious that you’re just playing a part. So, for example, “I” ac619d1d87
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